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Henley Primary School

Class 3 FAQ's

When can my child do a quiz?
Your child can pick up an iPad as soon as he/she gets into the classroom in the morning and do a quiz while the register is being taken.

Which days is PE on?
Spring Term
PE is on Monday and Wednesday for the first half of term and then it will be back to Tuesday and Wednesday.

Summer Term
Swimming will be on Monday. PE with Mrs Sturmey will be on Wednesday as usual.

When is homework set/due in?

Homework is set on Friday and is due in on the following Thursday.
Please listen to your child read regularly and test them on their times tables.
The government requires children to know ALL their tables up to 12x12 by the end of Yr 4

Does my child need wellies/trainers in school?
Wellies are useful to have in school in case we decide to go on a walk or explore the school grounds as part of an art or science activity.  Children need wellies to be able to go on the field when it is muddy.

Trainers are a part of the PE uniform and are worn for outdoor PE.