Assemblies & Collective Worship
At Henley we have an assembly every day. Assemblies are led by each member of staff on a rota basis across the week and cover a variety of themes.
Currently our assembly structure is:
Monday- World religions
Tuesday- Stories with morals and questions
Wednesday- Newsround- current affairs
Thursday- Inspirational people (led by the children who present their chosen people)
Friday- Celebration, certificates and Singing assembly
In a Friday assembly, certificates are given, achievements promoted and team house points etc collected and celebrated. Our songs include music from around the world, popular cultures and traditional assembly song books. We like to learn the songs that are introduced for special occasions such as Comic Relief and Red Nose Day too. The children have also learnt some sign language to use when singing- especially for Happy Birthday.
We invite representatives from different faith groups, communities and organisations to take part in assemblies as often as we can. Visitors have included parents with interesting careers, musicians from local groups and further afield, theatre companies, representatives from the Ipswich Mosque and the Vicar from the local church.